
Picnic in the Battersea Park with my lovely team/Good Bye Maro/See you Blanca

First Picture: Sharan, Natalia, Julia, Maro, Carolyn, Hans, Nicola, Binh, Laia, Verena, Stefano R., Marco, Stefano T. Juan, Blanca and Jennifer.
Yeah,.. the lovely people from my team,... Thanks to all for the great time together, you are all great!

We've just finished our project, and now is time to move on,.. let's see what is waiting for us,.. Competition? New project?,...we don't know yet,..
What we know now is that Maro is leaving,.. she is going back to Greece after almost 6 years in London,.. I wish you all the best!
In another hand,.. Blanca,who has just joined our team 2 months ago and is leaving now to Spain for 2 months from now,... She is going back to prepare her marriage, but coming back afterwards,.. Have a great time, a happy wedding and see you in August!


Wil's birthday in Delft!

After 7 hours cycling from Amsterdam to Delft> quick shower at Xuman's apartment> some food and,... to the party!!!
Great days in the NL with Raul, Rune, Anton, Xuman, Nico, Wil and Tim!!! Thanks guys! :-)


Preparing papers for the scholarship,...

Last weekend spent in Pedreguer, raining all the time.
I visited the dentist who repaired one of my teeth, the doctor who did a Certificat of Health that I need to present in the application for the scholarship and the dermatologist. Of course I've seen some family and friends and I 'went back' to my past as a teenager in my village with some friends listening to live punk music,...
When I arrived to London on Sunday at 3 o'clock, it was terribly warm and sunny, everyone was in the park and I went to the office to do this image that I've post. It is a render+collage that I've done for a friend who is presenting his final project this week. Good luck Camilo!
And today after manage to talk with my professor from who I need a recommendation form, I've tried to start to write the paper that I need to present in the application for the scholarship. It is not easy,...it took me quite a long time to write the first line, but as always, once you have the structure of the text and the first sentence the rest comes smoothly. I haven't finished yet,.. but tomorrow morning before go to work I'll keep on writting.
My God!!! it is so hard to get this scholarship!!! I'll be giving you more information about how this will be evolving,...


Family and friends in London/Família i amics en Londres

4 dies ben intensos amb molt bona companyia!!! Ma mare, la meva germana, Tereseta, Teresa i Joan, tots d'una!!! Els primers 2 dies compaginant la feina i les visites i el cap de setmana fent la turista com mai!
Van arribar ben carregats de menjar de la terra: taronges, advocats, pernil, vi, coca maria de la uela,...i mil coses més!! quin gust!!
A que no sabeu que hi ha en el Hyde Park? les penques més tendretes que he provat mai!! quin arròs caldós amb fesols i penques que vam fer!!!
I la visita al "Maquinpam"=Buckingham? mare meva quina risa!! el Joan cantant la cançó d'Eurovisión ben alt al ritme dels soldadets que feien la guardia! no té preu!!
I la nit al Shunt? projeccions, música en directe,... una passada! llàstima que estiguès tan cansada,.. Perque si senyors,.. mentre la visita arribava, la Laia estava d'entrega, l'entrega final del projecte, treballant molt dur durant unes quantes setmanetes per aconseguir acabar d'entregar tot,.. Ara esperem que les properes setmanes siguen més tranquiletes i així acabar de preparar tots els papers de la beca que vaig a demanar-me,..que ja vos ho explicaré quan me la donen, si es que me la donen,..
Bé espere que vos agraden les fotos. Vos torbaré a faltar a tots els que heu envaït la meva casa durant aquests dies!!! podeu tornar a envaïr-la quan vullgueu!!! hehehe