
Back from NY and trying to find the time to rest a bit,...

9 days in NY > too many things to explain,...

- Walking, walking, walking many hours a day: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Coney Island, Central Park, Queens,...
- Visiting museums: Noguchi museum (as Gloria told me, you have to go), New Museum, Metropolitan, MOMA, Witney, PS1 (that included a big party)and Guggenheim (with a really nice Louise Burgeois' exhibition)
- Meeting people that studies at Columbia university: my friend Jose, Anna, Ignacio, Curro, Guillermo, Ana Maria,... and a long etcetera of friends of my friend Jose, most of them Spanish who where studying a master there.
- Having nice views of the skyscrapers: from Staten Island, from Brooklyn bridge, from the top of the Rock,...
- Shopping in Soho, Nolita, Noho, Century 21,...
- And having a lot of time to think about myself, my life, what do I want for my future... And thinking about giving solutions to some situations that need to be solved.

Non-stop for 9 days and arriving at the office on Monday morning straight from the airport almost without sleep,.. stay 8 hours in front of the computer and starting to feel the stressing atmosphere of the office again,..
Yesterday Go and me had to stay quite late producing 6 new boards with more options for the tower,I was so tired but at least I had nice company and I learnt how to ask, are you busy? in Japanese (but I've already forgotten,.. ups!)


tomohito.n said...

are you busy in japanese is "Isogasii?"
don't forget, and that's very useful word.

me said...

yeah! I remember now,.. isogashi desu ka? hai, isogashi desu. That's what you'll probably reply,...