
Les pogudes de la meva comarca / the rain in my region

On Friday my mum called me and she explained me that it had been raining a lot,... The houses were flood and the Beniarbeig bridge was fall down! Wow!!! And I´m in London enjoying the Sun,... it is weird,...
400 liter/sq m in less than one day!!! that's so crazy! I hope the calm will come soon,...

Here I post a picture that I took from the blog of a friend of mine,... there you can see how much water was in the river, but you have to take in account that in my region, the rivers doesn't use to have water,... they are dry rivers,...


Plataforma ciutadana said...

La tragèdia del riu Girona es podia haver evitat fàcilment

dbsus4 said...

yep Laia!!!

que de fiestas no?

nos per aqui tot el sant dia currant!!!

apa! fins aviat!!! Raul