
el Morabito de Marxuquera

Some friends and me went to spend the day in the house of a friend which is surrounded by mountains in a beautiful valley close to Gandia. The closest mountain was 'La Serra del Migdina' which has on its foot this singular building.
It was said that it was a kind of church from the Muslims but years later they discovered that it is more recent. Nowadays there are several hypothesis about its origin and one of it is that: it was a transition fridge to bring the ice from to mountains to the villages in the coast. But,.. if it was like that,... which is the function of the chimney? hum,... I' not sure about this hypothesis,...

Aquest és el Morabito, una construcció d'origen dubtós que es troba a la comarca de la Safor. Es deia que era un petit temple fet pels àrabs però sembla ser que és més recent. Tampoc és clara quina és la seva funció encara que s'ha contemplat la possibilitat de que fos una nevera de transició.

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